[vsnet-obs 70875] VS Obs Aug 6/7

Gary Poyner garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Aug 7 22:36:37 JST 2011

Visual observations for Aug 06/07 2011
Gary Poyner
E-mail garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
Instrument: 50cm, 22cm,10x50B & 16x70B
(Supported in part by the British Astronomical Association)
A few breaks in cloud.
Star             UT           Mag
3C 371         6.986          15.3
And Z          7.084           9.1
Aql V1413      6.922          14.1   eclipse
Ari SV         7.094          15.6:  active
Boo TT         6.936         <15.2
Cam Z          6.938          13.0
Cep FX         6.978         <15.8
CrB R          6.923          12.3
CrB T          6.924          10.4
CrB VW         6.925         <15.1
Cyg CH         6.937           8.9
Cyg V1329      6.940          13.2
Dra AB         6.973          15.1
Dra AG         6.981           9.9
Dra DV         6.992         <15.5
Dra ES         6.983          15.5
Dra EX         6.985          15.6   eclipse
FBS1719+834    6.974         <15.8
FBS1735+825    6.976         <15.6
Her AM         6.990          13.4
Her DQ         6.990          14.5
Her V1117      6.926          13.7   still fading slowly
Her YY         6.939          13.2
HS1857+7127    6.989          14.1   Outburst
Lyr AY         6.997          13.1   active
NSV 25966      6.981          16.5
Per AX         7.080          12.0
Per DY         7.069          12.0
Per TZ         7.070          13.4   active
Per UV         7.072         <15.6
Per UW         7.074         <15.6
RXJ1831.7+6511 6.988         <15.4
SDSSJ1730+6247 6.985         <15.1
Sge SV         6.922          10.7
SN 2011dh      6.920          14.5   active
Tri TU         7.097         <15.6
Tri TX         7.096         <15.5
UMi SS         6.976         <15.6
UMi Z          6.972          11.9
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