[vsnet-obs 72941] Obser X Ser 1st to 2nd June night

eric.morillon at mcom.fr eric.morillon at mcom.fr
Thu Jun 7 05:39:15 JST 2012


thanks to CVnet alert i could observe X Ser crisis for about 3h during  
end of 1rt June night;
Pictures from CCD with clear filter ; on 8" scope

measurement came from addition of 20 pictures of 30s each (total  
integration time 10 min ; with lack of 28.5s= each 10 min combination  
are separed by 10m28.5s)
so the 360 pictures (3h10m) taken gave me 18 measurements

Estimation derive from AAVSO chart (7613AJD) ; comparaison with stars  
group : 117 + 118 + 126 + 132 + 136 stars
Clear filter & V comparaison

results :

JJ     X Ser (CV)
80.492858	14.75
80.500136	14.76
80.507408	14.76
80.514668	14.75
80.521948	14.70
80.529217	14.84
80.536488	14.74
80.543760	14.85
80.551035	14.79
80.558313	14.86
80.565593	14.79
80.572864	14.77
80.580134	14.81
80.587399	14.77
80.594674	14.78
80.601958	14.70
80.609236	14.88
80.616504	15.13

Precision is about 0.05mag but
Last measurement loose precision as star came behind tree around this  
time ; so not sure it s usefull

Clear Sky

Eric Morillon ; AFOEV MRL ; AAVSO MOI

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