[vsnet-obs 73251] CCD Obs July 23/24, 2012

Ian Miller furzehillobservatory at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 24 20:19:40 JST 2012

"Observations for July 23rd / 24th, 2012."      
"Ian Miller., Swansea, S.Wales."      
35cm SCT+CCD(C)      
STAR U.T. Mag    
And FO 24.029 15.0 Active   
Aql KX 24.119 <16.0    
Aql V725 24.128 <16.2    
Cyg V1454 24.125 <16.8    
Cyg V2176 24.115 <18.3    
Cyg V2491 24.122 <15.5    
Sge AW 23.948 15.1 Active   


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