[vsnet-obs 73341] VS Obs Aug 6

Gary Poyner garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Aug 8 00:26:19 JST 2012

Visual observations for August 6th 2012
Gary Poyner
E-mail garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
Instrument: 50cm, 22cm,10x50B & 16x70B
(Supported in part by the British Astronomical Association)
Cloud before midnight.  Moon!
Star             UT           Mag
And RX         6.999          14.4
And Z          6.997           9.9
Aql CI         6.977         <14.8
Aql FO         6.976         <14.6
Aql KX         6.974         <14.9
Aql V1413      6.971          12.3
Aql V603       6.974          11.8
Aql V725       6.973         <14.8
Boo TT         6.944         <15.2
Cam Z          6.938          13.6
Cep FX         6.990         <14.8
Cep V713       6.994         <14.9
CrB R          6.946          12.3
CrB T          6.945          10.3
CrB VW         6.947         <15.1
Cyg CH         6.943           7.8
Dra AB         6.983          15.4
Dra AG         6.989           9.8
Dra DO         6.941          15.3
Dra DV         6.967         <15.5
FBS1719+834    6.987         <14.7
FBS1735+825    6.988         <14.9
FSVJ1722+2723  6.952         <15.2
Her AH         6.953          12.6   standstill
Her AM         6.968          13.8
Her CH         6.960         <15.1
Her DQ         6.969          14.4
Her PR         6.966         <15.6
Her V1008      6.958         <14.9
Her V1108      6.959         <15.6
Her V1117      6.954          12.5
Her V443       6.962          11.4
Her V478       6.956         <15.6
Her V589       6.965         <15.1
Her V592       6.963         <15.1
Her V660       6.957         <14.9
Her V844       6.953         <15.3
Her V884       6.956          13.4   active
Her YY         6.961          13.0
NSV 24587      6.981         <14.7
NSV 25966      6.992         <14.7
Oph RS         6.969          11.6
S50716+71      6.942          13.5
Sct EU         6.980         <14.6
Sct FS         6.978         <14.6
Sct R          6.942           5.5
Ser FG         6.970          12.2
Ser LX         6.949          15.1
Ser NY         6.948         <14.7
Ser QW         6.951         <14.9
Ser QZ         6.950         <15.0
Sge SV         6.972          10.6
UMa CH         6.939          14.9
UMa CI         6.940         <14.7
UMi SS         6.985         <14.9
UMi Z          6.984         <15.6
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