[vsnet-obs 74528] CCD observations by Mro 2013 feb 13

Miguel Rodríguez rxand at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 15 04:05:26 JST 2013

OBS: Miguel Rodriguez Marco
TEL: 0.20-m f/8 Ritchey-Chretien + CCD
CCD: QHY9 KAF-8300 Bessell-Cousins BVRI filters
VPhot 3.1

OBJECT   DATE           MAG     +/-   OBS  CAT
------   -------------  -----   ----  ---  ---------------
V723 Cas 20130213.8591  15.31V  0.12  Mro  AAVSO  10565CJ
RX And   20130213.8477  12.02V  0.05  Mro  AAVSO  10403KEL

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