[vsnet-obs 74769] Observations BVE for April 1, 2013

Erwin van Ballegoij aavso.id.bve at home.nl
Tue Apr 2 17:00:32 JST 2013

Obs.    : Erwin van Ballegoij, Heesch, the Netherlands
Instr.  : 10" f/6.3 Meade LX200, 8x50 finder
e-mail  : aavso.id.bve at home.nl

all used charts: AAVSO, unless otherwise noted

Observations for April 1, 2013
atmosph.: good transparency and seeing. No clouds.

star       date [UT]     magn.  Obs  Remarks
---------- ------------- ------ ---  -------
AURAG      20130401.853 10.4 BVE
AURR       20130401.847     8.7 BVE
AURX       20130401.851    11.9 BVE
AURZ       20130401.849     9.5 BVE
CAMR       20130401.842     9.0 BVE
CAMX       20130401.839    13.6 BVE
CAMZ       20130401.840    11.7 BVE  standstill
CNCR       20130401.877    11.1 BVE
CNCSY      20130401.878    12.5 BVE
CNCV       20130401.881    11.4 BVE
CRBV       20130401.971     9.7 BVE
GEMR       20130401.873     8.9 BVE
GEMWZ      20130401.875    10.9 BVE
GEMX       20130401.872     9.8 BVE
LEOR       20130401.882     7.1 BVE
LMIR       20130401.884     7.6 BVE
LMIS       20130401.933    13.8 BVE
SERR       20130401.966    13.1 BVE
SERU       20130401.969    11.2 BVE
UMIZ       20130401.844    13.6 BVE
VIRR       20130401.955     7.8 BVE
VIRRS      20130401.963     7.9 BVE
VIRRU      20130401.957    13.6 BVE
VIRSS      20130401.947     8.1 BVE
VIRU       20130401.959    11.3 BVE
VIRV       20130401.962     9.7 BVE  *
VIRY       20130401.950    13.4 BVE  *
---------- ------------- ------ ---  -------
* sequence and chart by BMM, based on CCDV photometry by Henden.
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