[vsnet-obs 74793] Visual Observations [02-04-2013]

Alicia Capetillo Blanco alicia.capetillo.blanco at gmail.com
Thu Apr 4 06:34:25 JST 2013

Visual Observations [02-04-2013]

OBJECT          DATE (UT)          MAG

LEORY        20130403.97277        9.7
LEOW         20130403.96234        10.7
LEOAB        20130403.95185        10.1
UMARR        20130403.94143        11.1
UMARZ        20130403.92893        9.7
CNCT         20130402.91643        8.5
GEMZZ        20130402.90462        10.3
GEMVX        20130402.89618        10.2
GEMWZ        20130402.88802        10.5
AURRS        20130402.88038        9.7
AURZ         20130402.87395        10.0
AURRR        20130402.86493        10.0
CMAVY        20130402.86076        8.8
ORIFU        20130402.85243        9.9
ORIBQ        20130402.84305        8.2
TAUT         20130402.83327        10.2
TAURV        20130402.82129        10.4
TAUW         20130402.81256        10.1

Best Regards!

Note: Thanks to Daisaku Nogami for his review

Alicia Capetillo Blanco (Spain)

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