[vsnet-obs 75140] CCD Obs May 5/6 : HST Target

eric.morillon at mcom.fr eric.morillon at mcom.fr
Mon May 6 18:50:53 JST 2013

Hello , Scope 8" + CCD clear, binning 2x2 ; sky with clouds , then clearer

HST Target :
20130505 UT 21:33:23  1RXS J1050-14 175C   40x30s
20130505 UT 21:55:41  1RXS J1050-14 170C   45x30s
20130506 UT 02:25:22  Sdss1538+51   180C   208x30s

20130505 UT 21:30     SV CMi <155C  (bad seeing under clouds)
20130505 UT 22:27:59  RU LMi 170C  OUTBURST  28x30s
20130505 UT 22:17:07  RZ LMi 150C  active    11x30s
20130505 UT 22:30     SS LMi <180C
20130505 UT 22:37:11  ST LMi 165C  active (AM type)
20130505 UT 22:44:04  WX LMi 160C    31x30s
20130505 UT 22:58:35  SX LMi 165C
20130505 UT 22:10:54  U Leo  170C    10x30s
20130506 UT 00:15     HW Boo 170C
20130506 UT 00:30     CR Boo 140C
20130506 UT 00:47:08  UZ Boo <180C    20x30s
20130506 UT 01:12:25  TT Boo <175C    17x30s (something around 180?? ,  
close to noise)

Eric Morillon   AFOEV Mrl ; AAVSO MOI

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