[vsnet-obs 75706] UZ Boo observation 2013 jul 26

eric.morillon at mcom.fr eric.morillon at mcom.fr
Fri Aug 2 00:56:46 JST 2013

Sorry for this late transmission,

computer that command telescope took pictures between storms and was  
completely flood :(
after drying & repairing... (not finished)

i can transmit these data :

JJ (2456000+) Mag CV
500.442564 12.371
500.446209	12.38
500.449843	12.373
500.453472	12.392
500.457038	12.374
500.460558	12.374
500.464074	12.376
500.467594	12.386
500.471118	12.41
500.474636	12.393
500.478157	12.429
500.481684	12.389
500.485212	12.418
500.488733	12.414
500.491558	12.414

CCD clear , compare to V maxg from 12454T aavso chart (stars 121 128  
132 134 137)
each measure from stack of 10 x 30s pictures (but last image from  
stack of 6 x 30s)
precision about 0.01
uz seems to fade a little :  about 0.03 mag in about 0.05 day (0.6 mag a day)

Eric Morillon , aavso Moi afoev Mrl

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