[vsnet-obs 76268] Obser August 30th night V344 Lyr OUTBURST

eric.morillon at mcom.fr eric.morillon at mcom.fr
Sat Aug 31 17:48:28 JST 2013


CDD clear about 10 to 40 x 30s pict by stars ; perturbated by clouds

20130830 23:33:59  V344Lyr 148C    OUTBURST    (not seen in aavso quick look)
20130830 22:12:36  V391Lyr 172C
20130830 22:42:53    LLLyr 175C
20130830 23:21:22    MVLyr 145C
20130830 22:28:32 nsv11154Lyr 118C
20130830 21:50:52    UZBoo <159C
20130830 21:34:52 sn2013ev about 170C  bad resolution

Clear Sky

Eric Morillon ; AFOEV MRL ; AAVSO MOI

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