[vsnet-obs 76308] Obs Sept 3d VW CrB Outburst

eric.morillon at mcom.fr eric.morillon at mcom.fr
Thu Sep 5 03:42:09 JST 2013

Hello ;

Observations on 8" scope + CCD clear ; stack of 30s pictures

20130903 21:55:57 UT  VW CrB 148C    OUTBURST
to add
20130903 21:20:14 UT  UZ BOO 180C  active
20130903 22:19:36 UT  UW OPH 148C  mira ; fading
20130903 22:19:36 UT  000-BJQ-309 145C  mira ; rising
20130903 22:37:31 UT  v344 LYR 149C  active
20130903 22:43:59 UT  CY LYR 165C  faded
20130903 22:04:51 UT  RY SER <165C
20130903 22:04:51 UT  RX SER 162C  mira
20130903 22:12:23 UT  UZ SER 165C

Eric Morillon   AFOEV  Mrl    AAVSO MOI

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