[vsnet-obs 76425] CCD Obs Sep 9/10, 2013

Ian Miller furzehillobservatory at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 10 21:38:32 JST 2013

"Observations for September 9th / 10th, 2013."      
"Ian Miller., Swansea, S.Wales."      
35cm SCT+CCD      
STAR U.T. C Mag    
And KW 9.982 16.0 Outburst   
And LL 9.908 <17.9    
And LS 9.886 <18.4    
And PQ 9.914 <17.0    
And V402 9.883 <17.8    
And V455 9.965 16.0    
And V466 9.977 <14.2    
Cas V452 9.872 <17.7    
Cas V630 9.878 16.7    
MASTER OT J040552.59+274716.7 10.010 16.1 Active   
NSV 895 9.917 <16.1    
OT J012059.6+325545 9.972 <14.4   
Per UW 9.912 <16.6   
Per V336 9.958 <17.3   
Psc AS 9.975 <16.4   


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