[vsnet-obs 76606] Vis Obs 20131004

Klaus Wenzel wenzel.qso at t-online.de
Sat Oct 5 17:28:08 JST 2013

Obs:  Klaus Wenzel  Wenigumstadt (Germany)
Instr.:   317/1500mm Newton;  
e-mail:  wenzel.qso at t-online.de

Gaps in the clouds; 

all observations are visual

Object		Date UT		mag

Del V339 	20131004.743	9.4
Cyg V1500 	20131004.757	<13.6
Cyg V1057 	20131004.764	13.1
Cyg V521 	20131004.767	13.5
HBC 722	20131004.771	13.5
Per GK 	20131004.854	13.2

Klaus Wenzel

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