[vsnet-obs 76666] SN2013ej - The Second Earliest Discovery Worldwide So Far (from Lulin Observatory, Taiwan, Taipei First Girls High School)

Lee Meiying lmeiying at gmail.com
Tue Oct 8 17:01:31 JST 2013

Dear Sirs,

We are teachers and students of the High-Scope Science Research Project
at Taipei First Girls High School, Taiwan.
On July, 24, we took pictures at Lulin Observatory,
and found the trace of M74.
Then, we spotted SN2013ej, and the time we estimated has been the second
earliest worldwide so far.

The time we discovered SN2013ej is 2013.07.24.805 (UT).
Its magnitude is as follows:

V: 14.0
B: 13.8
R: 14.3

(possible statistical error: 0.2)

The time of exposure for every band is: 120 (sec) X 6 (piece).
Please find the pictures of the three bands (overlapped version) from the
If the original files are needed, please let us know anytime.

Do we have to provide any extra information for you to confirm our
We're thrilled to have this early discovery,
and hope this could help the future research on supernova and its

If you think our report can be confirmed as the second earliest so far,
will be information on your official website be updated too?

Lee Mei-Ying
Physics Teacher at Taipei First Girls High School

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