[vsnet-obs 76792] Found error observation (wrong star name) in my old data
Marc Biesmans
marc-biesmans at telenet.be
Sun Nov 3 12:02:36 JST 2013
Observer: Marc Biesmans, Essen, Belgium
AAVSO Initials: BMM
Internet: mbe at glo.be
Instruments: 254 mm f/10 schmidt-cassegrain
80 mm f/5 refractor
12x45 binoculars
In making a database of all my LPV observations and correcting the magnitudes
of the comp. stars to high quality photometry I found this error observation :
19980613.0 Cep AB 12.0 BMM 115-121 = WRONG
should be the variable BF Cep (it was noted as such on my own handwritten papers which I still keep)
so the correct observation made at that time should be submitted as :
19980613.0 Cep BF 12.0 BMM 115-121 (chart used = PE 9/74)
Observer: Marc Biesmans, Essen, Belgium
AAVSO Initials: BMM
Internet: mbe at glo.be
Instruments: 254 mm f/10 schmidt-cassegrain
80 mm f/5 refractor
12x45 binoculars
Visual observations for June 12/13, 1998
All times: UT
All sequences/charts: AAVSO (unless stated)
Date(UT) Star Magn. Comp.stars
19980612.9806 Cam Z 12.9 BMM 125-131
19980613.0847 Cas V723 12.0 BMM 116 + 121 GSC
19980612.9785 CrB R 6.0 BMM 59-62
19980613.0056 Cyg SS 9.4 BMM 92-95 Seq: B. Skiff
19980613.0007 Cyg V482 11.2 BMM 110-116 Seq: BAA
19980612.9979 Dra AB 13.8 BMM 134-140
19980613.0139 Lyr AY <14.6 BMM 146
19980612.9854 UMa ER 13.0 BMM 129-134
19980612.9944 UMi Z 12.3 BMM 125 - 120+123 GSC
19980613.0 Cep AB 12.0 BMM 115-121 <----------- should be Cep BF and NOT Cep AB
19980613.0 Cep IN <14.1 BMM 141
19980613.0 Cyg V338 <14.2 BMM 142 GSC
19980613.0 Cyg WY 12.9 BMM 127-135
19980613.0 Lyr RW 13.3 BMM 129-135
19980613.0 Lyr RX <14.5 BMM 145
19980613.0 UMi T 10.8 BMM 104-109
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