[vsnet-obs 76982] Observations BVE for November 10, 2013

Erwin van Ballegoij aavso.id.bve at home.nl
Mon Nov 11 17:17:41 JST 2013

Obs.    : Erwin van Ballegoij, Heesch, the Netherlands
Instr.  : 10" f/6.3 Meade LX200, 8x50 finder
e-mail  : aavso.id.bve at home.nl

all used charts: AAVSO, unless otherwise noted

Observations for November 10, 2013
atmosph.: moderate transparency and good seeing. No clouds. Moonlight in 
the first part of the night

star       date [UT]     magn.  Obs  Remarks
---------- ------------- ------ ---  -------
ANDRX      20131110.847 11.1 BVE  active
ARIR       20131110.836     9.6 BVE
ARIT       20131110.838     9.9 BVE
ARITT      20131110.834    10.9 BVE
AURAG      20131110.874    10.2 BVE
AURR       20131110.852    12.3 BVE
AURX       20131110.867    10.4 BVE
AURZ       20131110.856    10.3 BVE
CAMZ       20131110.849    13.0 BVE
CASSS      20131110.777    10.7 BVE
CAST       20131110.779     9.8 BVE
CASW       20131110.781    12.6 BVE
CYGSS      20131110.843    10.2 BVE  active
GEMU       20131110.976     9.1 BVE  active
LYNR       20131110.876    10.8 BVE
PEGRU      20131110.845    12.5 BVE
PERDY      20131110.789    12.4 BVE
PERGK      20131110.821    13.0 BVE
PERGY      20131110.826    11.4 BVE  *
PERS       20131110.785    10.9 BVE
PERU       20131110.783     9.3 BVE
PERY       20131110.790     9.6 BVE
PSCS       20131110.831     9.4 BVE
PSCST      20131110.833     9.7 BVE
TRIR       20131110.841     9.4 BVE
UMAR       20131110.979    13.2 BVE
UMAS       20131110.984     8.1 BVE
UMAT       20131110.986     8.5 BVE
UMAZ       20131110.982     8.1 BVE
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* sequence and chart by BMM, based on CCDV photometry by Henden.

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