[vsnet-obs 78743] VS Obs Oct 2/3

Gary Poyner garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Oct 3 22:42:33 JST 2014

Visual observations for October 2/3 2014
Gary Poyner
E-mail garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
Instrument: 50cm, 25cm, 22cm, 10x50B & 16x70B
(Supported in part by the British Astronomical Association)

Oct 2 obs using 25cm at Astro club.
Hazy with cloud after midnight.

Star             UT           Mag
And DX         3.012          15.2
And RX         3.023          11.1   active
And Z          3.011           9.9
Aql V1413      2.863          12.2
Cam Z          2.828          12.1
Cas V723       3.015          15.5
CrB R          2.823           9.4
CrB T          2.824          10.5
CrB VW         2.825         <14.1
Cyg CH         2.831           7.2
Cyg CI         2.832          11.1
Cyg V1329      2.858          13.4
Cyg V2659      2.860          12.7
Cyg V482       2.831          10.8
Del V339       2.859          12.6
Dra AB         3.006          14.0   active
FBS1719+834    3.009         <14.7
FBS1735+825    3.010         <14.9
Her AH         2.826          13.1   active
Her V1117      2.826          12.6
Her YY         2.865          13.2
Per AX         3.035          10.9
Per DY         3.038          11.1
Per GK         3.042          13.2
Per TZ         3.039          13.4   standstill
Per UV         3.041         <14.5
RXJ0131.4+     3.013         <15.4
S50716+71      2.830          13.4
Sge AW         3.002          14.9   Outburst
Sge HM         2.863          12.2
Sge RZ         3.003         <15.0
Sge SV         2.864          10.5
Sge V          2.861          11.1
UMi SS         3.008         <14.9
UMi Z          3.005          11.1
Vul PU         2.862          12.7

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