[vsnet-obs 79689] VS Observations 25th June 2015
Pearce, Andrew A.
ANDREW.PEARCE at woodside.com.au
Fri Jun 26 08:37:51 JST 2015
INDS 20150625.847 14.7 PEA
INDRZ 20150625.848 12.9 PEA
INDW 20150625.849 10.5 PEA
INDX 20150625.851 9.1 PEA
INDY 20150625.852 11.3 PEA
MICY 20150625.853 10.3 PEA
MICV 20150625.855 <15.3 PEA
MICW 20150625.856 13.3 PEA
CAPV 20150625.856 10.0 PEA
CAPX 20150625.857 15.3 PEA
CAPRR 20150625.858 10.6 PEA
CAPZ 20150625.859 12.8 PEA
CAPT 20150625.860 13.3 PEA
CAPY 20150625.862 <15.3 PEA
MICS 20150625.863 11.1 PEA
PSARY 20150625.863 12.1 PEA
GRUPI 20150625.864 6.8 PEA
GRUS 20150625.865 12.1 PEA
PSAS 20150625.866 15.0 PEA
GRUR 20150625.867 14.4 PEA
PSAR 20150625.869 10.0 PEA
AQRRT 20150625.870 10.7 PEA
AQRX 20150625.871 14.2 PEA
GRUT 20150625.873 11.3 PEA
PSASU 20150625.875 11.8 PEA
PSAST 20150625.876 12.3 PEA
AQRS 20150625.878 11.7 PEA
PHEU 20150625.879 11.3 PEA
PHET 20150625.880 9.5 PEA
PHERW 20150625.881 12.3 PEA
PHER 20150625.881 9.2 PEA
PHERR 20150625.882 11.9 PEA
SCLT 20150625.883 12.8 PEA
SCLV 20150625.884 13.0 PEA
PHEV 20150625.885 13.0 PEA
PHEZ 20150625.885 13.6 PEA
AQRR 20150625.886 8.2 PEA
CETW 20150625.887 9.5 PEA
SCLS 20150625.888 13.0 PEA
SCLSW 20150625.889 8.3 PEA
SCLSY 20150625.890 <15.1 PEA
SCLU 20150625.892 12.4 PEA
PHEW 20150625.892 13.0 PEA
PHERS 20150625.894 13.2 PEA
PHERT 20150625.894 12.8 PEA
HORS 20150625.897 <14.8 PEA
SCLX 20150625.899 12.7 PEA
FORR 20150625.900 12.0 PEA
FORUU 20150625.901 <13.4 PEA
ERIY 20150625.903 12.3 PEA
HORR 20150625.906 10.0 PEA
HORT 20150625.908 9.2 PEA
ERIX 20150625.909 12.3 PEA
Andrew Pearce
Western Australia
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