[vsnet-obs 79823] VS Observations July 21st 2015

Pearce, Andrew A. ANDREW.PEARCE at woodside.com.au
Wed Jul 22 08:22:32 JST 2015

TELBL	20150721.540	7.1	PEA
CENV854	20150721.541	7.4	PEA
SGRRY	20150721.542	6.4	PEA
CENT	20150721.543	7.1	PEA
CENRX	20150721.544	10.0	PEA
CENTW	20150721.545	12.9	PEA
CENRT	20150721.547	10.7	PEA
CENV618	20150721.547	12.6	PEA
HYARU	20150721.548	14.1	PEA
CENAQ	20150721.549	10.4	PEA
CENBE	20150721.549	11.5	PEA
LIBSX	20150721.551	13.0	PEA
LIBGS	20150721.551	13.0	PEA
LIBV	20150721.553	14.7	PEA
CENV1341	20150721.554	11.2	PEA
LUPVX	20150721.556	14.3	PEA
LUPY	20150721.557	10.2	PEA
NORV409	20150721.558	13.9	PEA
NORV344	20150721.558	13.2	PEA
LUPW	20150721.560	13.3	PEA
LUPQW	20150721.561	12.4	PEA
LUPRT	20150721.563	13.8	PEA
LUPS	20150721.563	8.9	PEA
NORR	20150721.564	9.3	PEA
NORT	20150721.565	7.8	PEA
SGRNOVA2015 NO 2	20150721.565	10.9	PEA
LIBYY	20150721.567	<14.8	PEA
LIBT	20150721.567	14.8	PEA
LIBU	20150721.569	<14.8	PEA
LIBZ	20150721.570	13.1	PEA
TELRS	20150721.571	10.6	PEA
SGRVZ	20150721.572	10.5	PEA

Andrew Pearce
Western Australia

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