[vsnet-obs 79879] VS Obs Aug 04

Gary Poyner garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Aug 5 00:36:50 JST 2015

Visual observations for August 04 2015
Gary Poyner
E-mail garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
Instrument: 50cm, 25cm,  22cm,10x50B & 16x70B
(Supported in part by the British Astronomical Association)

Short break in cloud. Moon.

Star             UT           Mag
3C 382         4.047          14.3
And Z          4.057          10.3
Cam BZ         4.040          12.9
CrB R          4.026          12.8
Cyg CH         4.025           7.3
Cyg chi        4.024           4.4
Cyg CI         4.053          11.3
Cyg SS         4.056           8.7
Cyg V482       4.053          11.0
Del V339       4.052          13.1
Dra AB         4.032          14.5
Dra DV         4.038         <15.0
Her AH         4.027          12.1
Her AM         4.035          13.3
Her AO         4.036         <15.2
Her DQ         4.037          14.4
Her V443       4.030          11.5
Her V844       4.028         <15.0
Her YY         4.029          13.2
Lyr AY         4.043         <14.7
Lyr LL         4.044         <14.9
Lyr V562       4.042          12.0
NSV 11154      4.041          13.3
Oph RS         4.031          11.7
Peg AG         4.026           7.7
Per DY         4.058          11.6
S50716+71      4.039          13.9
Sge HM         4.048          12.0
Sge SV         4.060          10.5
UMi SS         4.034         <14.9
UMi Z          4.033          14.8
Vul RZ         4.049          13.7

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