[vsnet-obs 79959] VS Observations 13th August 2015

Pearce, Andrew A. ANDREW.PEARCE at woodside.com.au
Fri Aug 14 09:50:32 JST 2015

CENV854	20150813.517	8.0	PEA
SGRV4641	20150813.519	13.3	PEA
LIBU	20150813.520	14.3	PEA
LIBZ	20150813.522	13.1	PEA
LIBX	20150813.523	12.5	PEA
LIBRS	20150813.524	9.6	PEA
LIBS	20150813.526	10.5	PEA
LIBRR	20150813.526	13.8	PEA
LIBW	20150813.527	<15.2	PEA
LIBRU	20150813.528	13.6	PEA
LUPR	20150813.530	10.4	PEA
SCOR	20150813.531	12.6	PEA
SCOS	20150813.532	10.6	PEA
OPHTU	20150813.533	<15.0	PEA
SCOZ	20150813.533	10.2	PEA
SCOX	20150813.534	11.3	PEA
SCOW	20150813.535	13.2	PEA
SCOY	20150813.535	<15.0	PEA
OPHT	20150813.536	9.8	PEA
OPHV	20150813.538	8.8	PEA
OPHRR	20150813.538	<15.2	PEA
SCOAF	20150813.539	14.5	PEA
OPHR	20150813.540	12.5	PEA
OPHUX	20150813.541	12.2	PEA
OPHS	20150813.542	10.3	PEA
ARAZ	20150813.544	10.1	PEA
ARAY	20150813.545	11.3	PEA
ARAQZ	20150813.546	<15.0	PEA
NORSS	20150813.547	<14.0	PEA
ARAX	20150813.549	14.4	PEA
ARAV838	20150813.550	<15.0	PEA
ARAU	20150813.551	13.4	PEA
SCORZ	20150813.553	12.0	PEA
SCORS	20150813.554	10.9	PEA
SCORW	20150813.556	<15.2	PEA
SCOSV	20150813.558	10.6	PEA
SCORU	20150813.560	13.7	PEA
SCOTV	20150813.560	11.0	PEA
ARATU	20150813.562	14.2	PEA
SCORT	20150813.563	14.8	PEA
SCORR	20150813.565	10.2	PEA
SCOTU	20150813.565	12.3	PEA
SCOBN	20150813.567	12.4	PEA
SCOSY	20150813.568	11.4	PEA
SGRFT	20150813.569	<15.0	PEA
SGRV551	20150813.570	<15.0	PEA
SGRFU	20150813.572	13.8	PEA
CRARR	20150813.572	11.7	PEA
SGRV4006	20150813.574	11.5	PEA

Andrew Pearce
Western Australia

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