[vsnet-obs 80218] Visual [06-October-2015]

Alicia Capetillo Blanco alicia.capetillo.blanco at gmail.com
Thu Oct 8 00:29:10 JST 2015

Visual [06-October-2015]

OBJECT           DATE (UT)          MAG
Cyg MZ        20151006.86042       11.8
Cyg VX        20151006.84583       10.0
Cyg TX        20151006.83194        9.1
Cyg SZ        20151006.81528        9.1
Cyg X         20151006.80417        6.0

Congratulations Japan!
Congratulations to winners of Nobel Prize in Physics (2015):
Takaaki Kajita in Japan and Arthur B. McDonald in Canada on becoming the 
latest Nobel Prize laureates.

OBS: Alicia Capetillo Blanco
TEL: 0.20-m S.C.
AAVSO (Charts and Data)
North Spain

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