[vsnet-obs 80406] VS Observations November 14th 2015

Pearce, Andrew A. ANDREW.PEARCE at woodside.com.au
Sun Nov 15 10:59:39 JST 2015

OCTBW	20151114.756	8.7	PEA
PHECI	20151114.756	7.6	PEA
SCLXY	20151114.758	9.2	PEA
SCLSW	20151114.758	8.4	PEA
SCLR	20151114.759	7.0	PEA
PHESY	20151114.760	9.5	PEA
HYICL	20151114.760	7.2	PEA
DORR	20151114.761	5.9	PEA
HORV	20151114.762	7.2	PEA
RETWX	20151114.763	8.9	PEA
ERIZ	20151114.763	7.0	PEA
MENAS	20151114.764	9.5	PEA
PICR	20151114.765	8.4	PEA
ERIBR	20151114.766	7.2	PEA
ERIBM	20151114.767	8.0	PEA
ERIV	20151114.767	9.1	PEA
NSV15925	20151114.768	9.3	PEA
PICAM	20151114.769	9.1	PEA
LEPRX	20151114.769	6.3	PEA
LEPR	20151114.770	8.6	PEA
COLRV	20151114.771	9.1	PEA
LEPS	20151114.772	7.0	PEA
DORBETA	20151114.772	3.7	PEA
MONT	20151114.772	7.1	PEA
MONSV	20151114.773	8.5	PEA
DORAY	20151114.774	7.7	PEA
NSV16816	20151114.775	8.2	PEA
CMAFS	20151114.776	7.5	PEA
CMAW	20151114.776	7.3	PEA
PUPL2	20151114.777	8.0	PEA
CMAVY	20151114.778	8.6	PEA
PUPX	20151114.778	8.5	PEA
PUPV613	20151114.779	9.7	PEA
PUPV407	20151114.780	7.5	PEA
PUPAQ	20151114.781	8.6	PEA
NSV3841	20151114.782	6.4	PEA
VOLUU	20151114.783	9.7	PEA
HYART	20151114.784	8.2	PEA
HYARV	20151114.785	7.9	PEA
PUPFK	20151114.785	8.8	PEA
PUPRS	20151114.786	6.9	PEA
VELRZ	20151114.787	8.0	PEA
VELMN	20151114.788	8.5	PEA
VELSW	20151114.789	8.8	PEA
VELGO	20151114.790	8.0	PEA
NSV4230	20151114.790	9.3	PEA
PYXV	20151114.791	8.2	PEA
CARR	20151114.792	4.6	PEA
CARIW	20151114.792	8.2	PEA

Andrew Pearce 
Western Australia

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