[vsnet-obs 80437] VS Observations Nov 15th 2015

Pearce, Andrew A. ANDREW.PEARCE at woodside.com.au
Mon Nov 16 08:45:31 JST 2015

MICRY	20151115.533	<13.6	PEA
MICV	20151115.535	10.5	PEA
MICW	20151115.535	<15.0	PEA
INDRZ	20151115.537	10.7	PEA
INDW	20151115.538	8.7	PEA
INDX	20151115.540	11.0	PEA
INDY	20151115.542	11.8	PEA
PSARY	20151115.544	14.2	PEA
GRUPI	20151115.544	7.3	PEA
GRUS	20151115.546	11.3	PEA
PSAS	20151115.547	10.3	PEA
GRUR	20151115.548	9.5	PEA
PSAR	20151115.549	14.0	PEA
AQRRT	20151115.550	11.3	PEA
AQRX	20151115.551	9.8	PEA
GRUT	20151115.552	11.3	PEA
PSASU	20151115.553	<15.0	PEA
PSAST	20151115.554	10.2	PEA
AQRS	20151115.555	12.6	PEA
PHEU	20151115.556	11.6	PEA
PHERW	20151115.557	12.3	PEA
PHET	20151115.558	14.6	PEA
PHER	20151115.559	13.9	PEA
PHERR	20151115.560	13.5	PEA
SCLT	20151115.562	8.9	PEA
SCLV	20151115.563	13.0	PEA
PHEV	20151115.565	10.3	PEA
PHEZ	20151115.566	13.6	PEA
AQRR	20151115.567	11.6	PEA
CETW	20151115.569	<15.0	PEA
SCLS	20151115.570	10.6	PEA
SCLSW	20151115.571	8.3	PEA
SCLXY	20151115.572	9.2	PEA
SCLSY	20151115.573	11.8	PEA
SCLU	20151115.574	<14.8	PEA
SCLX	20151115.576	12.3	PEA
PHEW	20151115.576	11.1	PEA
PHERS	20151115.578	14.2	PEA
PHERT	20151115.579	<15.0	PEA
HORS	20151115.581	11.3	PEA
ERIY	20151115.582	10.3	PEA
ERIX	20151115.583	11.6	PEA
HORR	20151115.584	9.0	PEA
HORT	20151115.585	13.0	PEA
HORSW	20151115.585	12.3	PEA
FORR	20151115.586	12.0	PEA
FORUU	20151115.588	14.8	PEA
FORSY	20151115.589	11.3	PEA
CETU	20151115.590	10.6	PEA
DORR	20151115.591	5.8	PEA
HORRT	20151115.592	11.7	PEA
HORU	20151115.592	14.5	PEA
ERIU	20151115.594	12.5	PEA
ERIT	20151115.594	12.8	PEA
ERIRT	20151115.595	13.1	PEA
ERIRS	20151115.596	11.5	PEA
ERIAV	20151115.597	11.5	PEA
RETRY	20151115.597	10.0	PEA
RETT	20151115.598	10.9	PEA
DORSS	20151115.599	12.1	PEA
DORRZ	20151115.600	10.8	PEA
DORSU	20151115.601	13.1	PEA
CAER	20151115.603	12.9	PEA
CAET	20151115.603	8.3	PEA
ERIW	20151115.605	11.6	PEA
ERIEO	20151115.606	<15.1	PEA
DORT	20151115.608	13.5	PEA
PICS	20151115.609	7.7	PEA
PICT	20151115.610	11.5	PEA
PICRY	20151115.612	<13.8	PEA
PUPDZ	20151115.613	11.8	PEA
COLR	20151115.613	13.8	PEA
COLV	20151115.614	12.8	PEA
COLT	20151115.615	7.9	PEA
COLX	20151115.615	<15.0	PEA
COLS	20151115.616	14.2	PEA
COLW	20151115.617	9.9	PEA
LEPT	20151115.617	11.2	PEA
LEPX	20151115.618	11.7	PEA
LEPRX	20151115.619	6.2	PEA
LEPSV	20151115.619	<13.9	PEA
LEPR	20151115.620	8.6	PEA
LEPS	20151115.621	7.0	PEA
PUPL2	20151115.622	8.0	PEA
CMAFS	20151115.622	7.5	PEA
PUPST	20151115.623	9.3	PEA

Andrew Pearce 
Western Australia

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