[vsnet-obs 81224] VS Obs Feb 2/3

Gary Poyner garypoyner at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 19:04:19 JST 2016

Visual observations for February 2/3 2016
Gary Poyner
E-mail garypoyner at gmail.com
Instrument: 50cm, 25cm,  22cm,10x50B & 16x70B
(Supported in part by the British Astronomical Association)

Plagued by cloud.

Star             UT           Mag
3C 66A         2.825          14.9
And AR         2.827          14.1   active
And DX         2.820          15.1
And EG         2.797           7.5
And FN         2.829         <14.8
And FO         2.830         <14.8
And HP         2.833         <15.0
And IW         2.831          14.9
And LL         2.835         <15.3
And LS         2.834         <15.2
And LX         2.828         <14.9
And PQ         2.824         <15.5
And RX         2.831          14.0
And V455       2.823         <15.5
And Z          2.819          10.1
Ari BB         2.838         <15.2
Ari SV         2.837         <15.4
Ari TT         2.835          10.9
Aur AB         2.797           7.2
Cam AF         2.882         <15.1
Cam BZ         3.053          12.8
Cam FT         2.883         <15.2
Cam Z          3.053          12.2   active
Cam XX         2.795           7.4
Cas GX         2.799         <15.4
Cas HT         2.801         <15.2
Cas KU         2.803         <15.5
Cas UV         2.808          11.0
Cas V452       2.807         <15.0
Cas V630       2.806         <15.4
Cas V635       2.804          15.4
Cas V723       2.801          15.5
Cep V730       2.808          14.2
CMa Z          2.931           8.4
CMi AQ         3.022         <15.1
CMi SV         3.021         <14.9
Cnc AT         3.017          13.3   active
Cnc CC         3.013         <14.9
Cnc DW         3.015          15.5
Cnc EG         3.008         <15.4
Cnc GY         3.010         <15.4
Cnc SY         3.011          12.9
Cnc YZ         3.009          12.9   active
Cyg CH         2.794           7.6
Cyg SS         2.798          12.2
Dra AB         2.887          14.7:
Eri KT         2.927          14.6
FBS1719+834    2.889         <15.3
FBS1735+825    2.890         <14.9
Gem AW         3.007         <15.1
Gem CI         3.003         <14.7
Gem IR         3.006          13.8   Outburst
Gem U          3.008           9.8   active
Leo HM         3.031         <14.8
Leo IU         3.028          15.4
Leo RZ         3.035          13.4   active
Leo U          3.038         <14.9
Leo X          3.029         <14.8
Mis V1443      3.005         <14.7
Mon V616       2.932         <14.9
Mon V651       2.933          11.2
NSV 15133      2.802          10.7
OJ287          3.013          14.7
Ori BI         2.929          15.6   active
Ori CN         2.928          14.6
Ori CZ         2.951          12.5   active
Ori V1159      2.930          14.9
Ori V344       2.952         <15.3
Ori V650       2.953         <15.3
Peg AG         2.794           8.5
Per AX         2.856          10.8
Per DY         2.881          11.1
Per GK         2.850          13.0
Per KT         2.856         <15.2
Per PY         2.855         <15.1
Per QY         2.851         <15.2
Per TZ         2.878          13.2   active
Per UV         2.879         <15.6
Per UW         2.880         <15.3
Per V336       2.852         <15.3
Per V518       2.847         <14.6
Per V872       2.849         <15.5
Per X          2.796           6.3
RXJ0131.4+     2.822         <15.4
S50716+71      3.052          13.4
Tau DN         2.957          12.2
Tau DR         2.956          12.2
Tau RR         2.956          11.6
Tau RY         2.958          10.6
Tau SU         2.955         <15.5
Tau T          2.958          10.1
Tau V1208      2.962         <15.1
Tau V701       2.960         <15.1
Tau VY         2.959          14.1
Tri TT         2.840          15.0
Tri TU         2.839         <14.9
Tri TX         2.838         <15.1
UMi Z          2.885          13.0
Vir QZ         3.036         <15.1

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