[vsnet-obs 81395] VS Observation Feb 22nd 2016

Pearce, Andrew A. ANDREW.PEARCE at woodside.com.au
Tue Feb 23 08:21:48 JST 2016

HYICL	20160222.538	7.3	PEA
HORV	20160222.539	7.6	PEA
HORX	20160222.540	<10.0	PEA
RETWX	20160222.541	8.6	PEA
DORR	20160222.542	6.2	PEA
MENAS	20160222.542	9.4	PEA
PICR	20160222.543	8.0	PEA
ERIBR	20160222.544	7.6	PEA
ERIBM	20160222.544	7.9	PEA
ERIV	20160222.545	9.6	PEA
ERIR	20160222.546	5.7	PEA
NSV15925	20160222.547	9.3	PEA
ORIW	20160222.547	6.6	PEA
PICAM	20160222.548	9.1	PEA
LEPRX	20160222.549	5.9	PEA
LEPR	20160222.549	7.3	PEA
COLRV	20160222.550	8.8	PEA
LEPS	20160222.551	6.9	PEA
LEPSS	20160222.551	5.3	PEA
DORBETA	20160222.551	3.5	PEA
MONT	20160222.552	6.1	PEA
MONSV	20160222.553	9.0	PEA
DORAY	20160222.553	7.5	PEA
NSV16816	20160222.554	8.1	PEA
CMAFS	20160222.555	7.5	PEA
CMAW	20160222.556	6.9	PEA
PUPL2	20160222.556	7.5	PEA
CMAVY	20160222.557	8.4	PEA
CMAKAPPA	20160222.558	3.5	PEA
CMAOMEGA	20160222.558	4.0	PEA
CMAEW	20160222.559	4.9	PEA
CMANN	20160222.560	6.7	PEA
MONU	20160222.560	5.5	PEA
PUPX	20160222.561	8.4	PEA
PUPV613	20160222.562	9.4	PEA
PUPV407	20160222.563	7.7	PEA
PUPST	20160222.567	10.0	PEA
NSV17686	20160222.569	<14.5	PEA
PUPRS	20160222.569	7.9	PEA
PUPSU	20160222.571	<14.6	PEA
CARKK	20160222.572	13.8	PEA
VELBK	20160222.574	<14.6	PEA
VELBL	20160222.575	13.0	PEA
PUPAS	20160222.576	10.3	PEA
PUPFK	20160222.577	9.9	PEA
PUPY	20160222.578	10.3	PEA
PUPV624	20160222.579	11.2	PEA
PUPTU	20160222.581	<14.6	PEA
PYXR	20160222.581	10.8	PEA
PYXUV	20160222.583	12.6	PEA
PYXCO	20160222.584	<14.2	PEA
PYXCP	20160222.585	<14.2	PEA
PYXBH	20160222.585	<14.5	PEA
PYXWY	20160222.587	11.7	PEA
PYXWW	20160222.588	13.1	PEA
PYXS	20160222.588	11.6	PEA
PYXX	20160222.589	11.8	PEA
VELEN	20160222.590	12.9	PEA
VELEP	20160222.590	9.9	PEA
CARR	20160222.591	8.0	PEA
CARKW	20160222.592	<14.5	PEA
VELCC	20160222.592	11.6	PEA
VELFI	20160222.593	12.4	PEA
VELSZ	20160222.594	9.8	PEA
VELRS	20160222.594	11.8	PEA
VELRW	20160222.596	12.1	PEA
VELV487	20160222.597	10.1	PEA
VELUU	20160222.599	12.7	PEA
VELDW	20160222.600	12.9	PEA
VELFP	20160222.601	10.9	PEA
VELFR	20160222.602	<14.5	PEA

Andrew Pearce 
Western Australia

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