[vsnet-obs 81759] SN in NGC 3184

pott_sa at tiscali.co.uk pott_sa at tiscali.co.uk
Mon Apr 11 04:22:26 JST 2016


Just to let you know that I photographed SN 2016bkv in NGC 3184 
on 5th April from the East Midlands of England. The (tone-inverted) 
image is attached. The magnitude was very comparable to the adjacent 
field star which is approx magnitude 15.3.

The start time of the image 
was 21:20 UT and end time 21:39 UT. The mid-exposure was thus: 
Telescope was a 10-inch Newtonian, camera a Nikon D80 
DSLR (stack of 8s exposures at ISO 1000.

I hope to obtain at least one 
further image as it fades.

Hope this helps.

With Regards,


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