[vsnet-obs 81786] VS Observations April 14th 2016

Pearce, Andrew A. ANDREW.PEARCE at woodside.com.au
Fri Apr 15 08:20:37 JST 2016

CENDY	20160414.777	13.4	PEA
NORRT	20160414.778	10.6	PEA
NORRZ	20160414.778	<15.2	PEA
NORV409	20160414.780	12.6	PEA
NORIO	20160414.781	13.2	PEA
CENV854	20160414.782	8.1	PEA
ASAS J164124-5147.8	20160414.783	<15.2	PEA
ASAS J165444-4925.9	20160414.785	12.3	PEA
ARAV943	20160414.785	12.5	PEA
OPHV517	20160414.786	11.9	PEA
CENV1044	20160414.788	11.4	PEA
OPHGV	20160414.788	12.5	PEA
OPHV2552	20160414.789	11.5	PEA
OPHV532	20160414.790	11.7	PEA
ASAS J171710-2043.3	20160414.790	11.8	PEA
OPHV2902	20160414.791	14.3	PEA
CENV1369	20160414.792	11.0	PEA
PN Sa 3-43	20160414.793	<15.2	PEA
ESO 454-30	20160414.794	<15.2	PEA
[ALS88] 2	20160414.796	<15.0	PEA
CRAV394	20160414.797	<15.0	PEA
AS276	20160414.799	14.0	PEA
SGRV5667	20160414.800	13.2	PEA
SGRV3795	20160414.801	12.3	PEA
SGRV4641	20160414.803	13.7	PEA
SGRV5668	20160414.804	9.6	PEA
SGRV1592	20160414.806	12.4	PEA
SGRV746	20160414.807	<15.0	PEA
SGRV348	20160414.808	<15.2	PEA
SGRV3876	20160414.810	<15.0	PEA
SGRWW	20160414.811	14.1	PEA
SGRVX	20160414.812	11.2	PEA
SGRGI	20160414.813	14.3	PEA
CRAV	20160414.815	12.2	PEA
CRAU	20160414.815	11.6	PEA
CRAAM	20160414.816	9.3	PEA
CRART	20160414.817	11.0	PEA
SGRRV	20160414.817	13.7	PEA
TELVV	20160414.818	11.9	PEA
TELRZ	20160414.819	12.8	PEA
SGRAG	20160414.819	<15.0	PEA
SGRRY	20160414.820	6.5	PEA
SGRSW	20160414.822	14.1	PEA
SGRRR	20160414.823	7.5	PEA
TELRS	20160414.824	10.2	PEA
SGRVZ	20160414.824	10.6	PEA
SGRRU	20160414.825	10.8	PEA

Andrew Pearce 
Western Australia

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