[vsnet-obs 82571] VS Observations Aug 23-24th 2016
Pearce, Andrew A.
ANDREW.PEARCE at woodside.com.au
Thu Aug 25 09:00:20 JST 2016
CENT 20160823.458 6.2 PEA
CENV854 20160823.459 7.9 PEA
HYAW 20160823.460 7.1 PEA
HYAR 20160823.460 6.1 PEA
CENR 20160823.461 6.5 PEA
CENT 20160824.465 6.2 PEA
CENV854 20160824.466 8.0 PEA
HYAW 20160824.467 7.0 PEA
HYAR 20160824.467 6.1 PEA
CENR 20160824.468 6.4 PEA
AQRU 20160824.771 12.1 PEA
PSARY 20160824.772 13.9 PEA
GRUPI 20160824.773 7.5 PEA
GRUS 20160824.774 13.3 PEA
PSAS 20160824.775 10.3 PEA
GRUR 20160824.776 9.5 PEA
PSAR 20160824.778 12.5 PEA
AQRRT 20160824.779 11.5 PEA
AQRX 20160824.781 8.3 PEA
GRUT 20160824.782 11.1 PEA
PSASU 20160824.783 12.5 PEA
PSAST 20160824.783 13.4 PEA
AQRS 20160824.785 13.1 PEA
PHEU 20160824.786 9.6 PEA
PHERW 20160824.787 12.3 PEA
PHET 20160824.788 14.7 PEA
PHER 20160824.789 12.0 PEA
PHERR 20160824.790 10.6 PEA
SCLT 20160824.791 12.7 PEA
SCLV 20160824.792 12.7 PEA
PHEV 20160824.792 9.7 PEA
PHEZ 20160824.793 12.9 PEA
AQRR 20160824.794 10.1 PEA
CETW 20160824.795 12.3 PEA
SCLS 20160824.797 11.9 PEA
SCLSW 20160824.797 8.2 PEA
SCLXY 20160824.798 9.2 PEA
SCLSY 20160824.799 15.3 PEA
SCLU 20160824.801 14.9 PEA
SCLX 20160824.803 11.2 PEA
PHEW 20160824.804 14.2 PEA
PHERS 20160824.806 14.8 PEA
HORS 20160824.807 11.3 PEA
PHERT 20160824.808 11.9 PEA
ERIY 20160824.809 9.8 PEA
ERIX 20160824.810 12.1 PEA
HORR 20160824.811 6.1 PEA
HORT 20160824.813 9.5 PEA
HORSW 20160824.814 14.0 PEA
FORR 20160824.815 12.6 PEA
FORUU 20160824.817 13.7 PEA
FORSY 20160824.818 11.2 PEA
CETU 20160824.819 6.8 PEA
HORRT 20160824.820 12.5 PEA
HORU 20160824.821 12.7 PEA
ERIU 20160824.822 11.8 PEA
ERIT 20160824.822 13.1 PEA
ERITW 20160824.823 10.0 PEA
ERIRT 20160824.824 11.3 PEA
ERIRS 20160824.825 11.4 PEA
ERIAV 20160824.826 11.6 PEA
RETRY 20160824.827 9.2 PEA
RETT 20160824.828 10.6 PEA
DORSS 20160824.828 <15.3 PEA
DORRZ 20160824.829 10.1 PEA
DORSU 20160824.830 <15.2 PEA
CAER 20160824.831 9.6 PEA
CAET 20160824.832 8.1 PEA
ERIW 20160824.833 9.8 PEA
ERIEO 20160824.835 13.5 PEA
PICS 20160824.836 14.2 PEA
PICT 20160824.838 9.2 PEA
COLR 20160824.839 <15.0 PEA
COLV 20160824.840 12.3 PEA
COLT 20160824.840 8.0 PEA
COLX 20160824.842 <15.0 PEA
COLS 20160824.842 12.9 PEA
COLW 20160824.843 10.0 PEA
LEPT 20160824.844 12.9 PEA
LEPX 20160824.844 11.8 PEA
LEPRX 20160824.845 6.1 PEA
LEPSV 20160824.846 12.1 PEA
LEPR 20160824.847 9.6 PEA
LEPRT 20160824.847 <14.9 PEA
LEPS 20160824.848 6.9 PEA
LEPSS 20160824.849 4.8 PEA
DORT 20160824.850 9.2 PEA
PUPCH 20160824.851 <14.5 PEA
PUPST 20160824.852 10.1 PEA
PUPRV 20160824.853 10.4 PEA
CMAUZ 20160824.853 11.2 PEA
CMAUY 20160824.854 11.0 PEA
CMAFS 20160824.855 7.5 PEA
CMAZ 20160824.856 10.2 PEA
CMASY 20160824.857 10.5 PEA
CMASU 20160824.858 <14.0 PEA
PUPL2 20160824.860 8.1 PEA
Andrew Pearce
Western Australia
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