[vsnet-obs 82618] PEP observations by BVE for August 25 & 29, 2016

Erwin van Ballegoij aavso.id.bve at home.nl
Tue Aug 30 16:34:45 JST 2016

Obs. : Erwin van Ballegoij, Heesch, the Netherlands
Instr.  : 10" f/6.3 Meade LX200, SSP-3 Solid-State Photometer with 
Johnson B or V-filter
e-mail  : aavso.id.bve at home.nl

all used sequences: AAVSO, unless otherwise noted

star       date [UT]      magn.    Obs  Remarks
---------- -------------- -------- ---  -------
CASrho 20160825.90069   4.497V BVE
CASrho     20160825.90069   6.244B BVE
CASrho     20160829.91736   4.482V BVE
CASrho     20160829.94722   6.264B BVE
---------- -------------- -------- ---  -------

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