[vsnet-obs 82653] VS Observations Sept 1 2016

Pearce, Andrew A. ANDREW.PEARCE at woodside.com.au
Fri Sep 2 08:31:34 JST 2016

AQRU	20160901.715	11.9	PEA
MICS	20160901.717	11.7	PEA
PSARY	20160901.719	13.2	PEA
GRUPI	20160901.719	7.5	PEA
GRUS	20160901.720	13.3	PEA
PSAS	20160901.722	10.8	PEA
GRUR	20160901.723	8.8	PEA
PSAR	20160901.724	13.0	PEA
AQRRT	20160901.726	11.3	PEA
AQRX	20160901.726	8.5	PEA
GRUT	20160901.728	10.4	PEA
PSASU	20160901.729	12.1	PEA
PSAST	20160901.730	13.1	PEA
AQRS	20160901.731	12.5	PEA
PHEU	20160901.731	10.5	PEA
PHET	20160901.733	14.8	PEA
PHERW	20160901.733	12.3	PEA
PHER	20160901.735	11.5	PEA
PHERR	20160901.736	10.8	PEA
SCLT	20160901.738	12.6	PEA
SCLV	20160901.738	12.7	PEA
PHEV	20160901.740	9.6	PEA
PHEZ	20160901.741	11.7	PEA
AQRR	20160901.742	10.3	PEA
CETW	20160901.743	12.5	PEA
ERIX	20160901.744	12.3	PEA
HORR	20160901.745	6.0	PEA
HORT	20160901.746	9.3	PEA

Andrew Pearce 
Western Australia

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