[vsnet-obs 82809] CCD Obs Sep 29/30

Gary Poyner garypoyner at gmail.com
Fri Sep 30 22:35:18 JST 2016

CCD Observations for Sep 29/30 2016
Gary Poyner
E-mail garypoyner at gmail.com

Autonomous Robotic Telescope (ART) unless stated otherwise.

STAR             UT             MAG
And KW          30.197         18.751C
And PQ          30.133         20.050C
Aql KX          29.937         19.033C
Ari BB          30.142         19.028C
Eri KT          30.229         14.965V
MASTER OTJ042609.34+3541  30.210   16.500C
SDSS 0334-0710  30.199         15.177C   Outburst
Per PU          30.194        <17.800C
Per PV          30.198        <17.300C
Per V872        30.191         18.529C
Tau V701        30.201        <16.300C
Tau V1208       30.244         18.689C

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