[vsnet-obs 82959] VS Observations Oct 26th 2016
Pearce, Andrew A.
ANDREW.PEARCE at woodside.com.au
Thu Oct 27 09:02:37 JST 2016
TELNT 20161026.511 12.6 PEA
TELW 20161026.513 11.1 PEA
TELR 20161026.514 11.1 PEA
PAVRY 20161026.515 <13.6 PEA
TELX 20161026.517 <15.0 PEA
PAVBR 20161026.517 10.7 PEA
PAVSU 20161026.518 13.7 PEA
SGRRT 20161026.519 12.0 PEA
MICR 20161026.519 14.0 PEA
MICRT 20161026.520 <15.2 PEA
MICRS 20161026.521 11.4 PEA
MICRX 20161026.522 10.6 PEA
MICU 20161026.524 11.8 PEA
MICRY 20161026.524 13.1 PEA
MICV 20161026.525 10.9 PEA
MICW 20161026.526 11.0 PEA
MICX 20161026.527 8.9 PEA
CAPU 20161026.528 12.3 PEA
CAPW 20161026.529 <15.2 PEA
CAPRU 20161026.531 10.7 PEA
INDS 20161026.531 <15.2 PEA
INDRZ 20161026.532 11.5 PEA
INDW 20161026.533 9.4 PEA
INDX 20161026.533 11.5 PEA
INDY 20161026.534 10.2 PEA
MICY 20161026.535 10.2 PEA
CAPV 20161026.537 11.1 PEA
CAPX 20161026.538 11.1 PEA
CAPRR 20161026.539 13.9 PEA
CAPZ 20161026.540 12.8 PEA
CAPT 20161026.541 9.9 PEA
CAPY 20161026.542 12.2 PEA
AQRU 20161026.544 11.8 PEA
AQRSS 20161026.544 13.4 PEA
MICS 20161026.545 14.2 PEA
PSARY 20161026.546 10.9 PEA
GRUS 20161026.547 14.1 PEA
GRUPI 20161026.547 7.4 PEA
PSAS 20161026.549 13.5 PEA
GRUR 20161026.550 8.3 PEA
PSAR 20161026.551 14.7 PEA
AQRRT 20161026.552 10.3 PEA
AQRX 20161026.553 10.7 PEA
GRUT 20161026.553 9.4 PEA
PSASU 20161026.554 11.3 PEA
PSAST 20161026.555 10.4 PEA
AQRS 20161026.556 9.6 PEA
PHEU 20161026.556 13.5 PEA
PHET 20161026.557 14.6 PEA
PHERW 20161026.557 12.5 PEA
PHER 20161026.558 9.0 PEA
PHERR 20161026.559 11.5 PEA
SCLT 20161026.560 9.9 PEA
SCLV 20161026.561 14.9 PEA
PHEV 20161026.562 12.2 PEA
PHEZ 20161026.563 12.2 PEA
AQRR 20161026.563 11.2 PEA
CETW 20161026.564 14.9 PEA
SCLS 20161026.565 9.9 PEA
SCLSW 20161026.565 8.2 PEA
SCLXY 20161026.566 9.1 PEA
SCLSY 20161026.567 13.9 PEA
SCLU 20161026.568 <15.0 PEA
SCLX 20161026.569 11.3 PEA
PHEW 20161026.570 10.9 PEA
PHERS 20161026.571 14.2 PEA
PHERT 20161026.572 11.3 PEA
ERIY 20161026.573 11.5 PEA
ERIX 20161026.574 12.8 PEA
HORR 20161026.574 6.4 PEA
HORT 20161026.575 10.5 PEA
HORSW 20161026.576 <15.0 PEA
FORR 20161026.577 12.3 PEA
FORUU 20161026.578 <15.2 PEA
FORSY 20161026.579 10.5 PEA
CETU 20161026.581 9.7 PEA
Andrew Pearce
Western Australia
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