[vsnet-obs 82971] 108 and 111observations - destellos

Adolfo Darriba adolfodarriba at observatoriolascasqueras.es
Fri Oct 28 17:40:56 JST 2016

Adolfo Darriba

Group M1

(Madrid, Spain)

Observatorio Astronómico Las Casqueras




OBS: Adolfo Darriba Martínez

TEL: 0.35-m f/6.3 SC + CCD

CCD: Atik 383L+ KAF-8300

Maximdl 5.15



------ ------------- ----- ---- --- ---------------

S4 1800+44  20161020.9620  16.58V  0.03  DAM  AAVSO  UCAC4

3C 390.3  20161020.9797  15.05V  0.02  DAM  AAVSO  15141CT

1RXS J190910.3+665222  20161020.9886  16.81V  0.03  DAM  AAVSO  UCAC4

1ES 1959+65  20161020.9971  14.26V  0.02  DAM  AAVSO  15080CW

4C 11.69  20161021.0056  14.56V  0.02  DAM  AAVSO  15080DU

NVSS J232547+182210  20161021.0140  18.84V  0.10  DAM  AAVSO  UCAC4

S2 2356+19  20161021.0217  17.48V  0.04  DAM  AAVSO  15104AE

PKS 0048-09  20161021.0315  15.83V  0.02  DAM  AAVSO  UCAC4

RX J0146.8+3152  20161021.0404  17.59V  0.04  DAM  AAVSO  UCAC4

4C 11.69  20161021.0519  14.57V  0.02  DAM  AAVSO  15080DU

PKS 0507+179  20161021.0699  16.69V  0.10  DAM  AAVSO  X15363DN

S4 1030+61  20161021.0815  18.36V  0.10  DAM  AAVSO  UCAC4


OT 081  20161025.8199  17.74V  0.04  DAM  AAVSO  15080DF

1RXS J190910.3+665222  20161025.8299  16.81V  0.02  DAM  AAVSO  UCAC4

4C 11.69  20161025.8375  15.35V  0.01  DAM  AAVSO  15080DU


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