[vsnet-obs 83058] VS Obs Nov 4/5

Gary Poyner garypoyner at gmail.com
Sun Nov 6 04:39:04 JST 2016

Visual observations for November 4/5 2016
Gary Poyner
E-mail garypoyner at gmail.com
Instrument: 50cm, 25cm, 22cm, 10x50B & 16x70B
(Supported in part by the British Astronomical Association)

Lots of smoke from bonfires and fireworks.

Star             UT           Mag
3C 66A         4.953          14.9
And AR         4.956         <14.7
And DX         4.949          15.1
And EG         4.738           7.4
And FN         4.957         <14.8
And FO         4.958         <14.8
And HP         4.961         <15.0
And IW         4.960          14.5   active
And LL         4.963         <15.3
And LS         4.962         <15.2
And LX         4.956         <14.9
And PQ         4.952         <15.0
And RX         4.959          13.6
And V402       4.965         <14.7
And V455       4.950         <15.0
And Z          4.948          10.2
Ari BB         5.042          14.2   active
Ari SV         5.040         <15.0
Ari TT         5.039          10.8
ASASSN-15po    4.971         <15.1
Aur SS         5.049          14.6
Cam AF         5.021         <15.1
Cam BZ         5.151          12.7
Cam HT         5.153         <14.8
Cam Z          5.149          13.6
Cas AM         5.022          13.3   active
Cas GX         5.008         <15.1
Cas HT         5.009         <15.2
Cas KU         5.011         <14.7
Cas UV         5.017          11.1
Cas V452       5.015         <15.4
Cas V630       5.014         <14.9
Cas V635       5.013          15.4
Cas V723       5.007         <15.0
Cep V730       5.016          15.1
Cyg CH         4.737           8.2
Gem U          5.140          14.4
NSV 15133      5.010          10.8
OJ287          5.139          13.7
Peg AG         4.736           9.0
Peg IP         4.997          13.0   active
Peg RU         4.966          12.5
Peg V368       4.967         <14.9
Peg V378       4.965          13.7
Peg V513       4.969         <14.8
Peg V521       4.968         <15.3
Per AX         4.953          11.9
Per DY         5.017          11.0
Per FO         5.033          13.4   active
Per GK         5.028          13.0
Per KT         4.955          14.5   active
Per NS         5.034         <15.1
Per PU         5.037         <15.1
Per PV         5.035         <15.2
Per PY         5.032         <15.3
Per QY         5.029         <15.2
Per TZ         5.018          13.4   active
Per UV         5.019         <14.9
Per UW         5.020         <15.3
Per V872       5.031         <14.8
RXJ0131.4+     4.951         <14.6
S50716+71      5.150          13.7
Tau DN         5.147          12.2
Tau DR         5.148          12.1
Tau RR         5.146          13.2
Tau RY         5.147          11.1
Tri TT         5.045          14.9
Tri TU         5.044         <14.9
Tri TX         5.043         <15.1
Tri UW         5.038         <14.8
UMa CH         5.149          15.0
UMa SU         5.152          14.6

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