[vsnet-obs 84254] VS Obs Apr 4/5

Gary Poyner garypoyner at gmail.com
Thu Apr 6 03:56:11 JST 2017

Visual observations for April 4/5 2017
Gary Poyner
E-mail garypoyner at gmail.com
Instrument: 50cm, 25cm, 22cm, 10x50B & 16x70B
(Supported in part by the British Astronomical Association)

Moonlight and hazy skies at times.

Star             UT           Mag
3C 273         4.969          12.9
3C 279         4.970         <14.9
ASASSN-13ae    5.038         <15.2
ASASSN-14id    4.887         <14.9
ASASSN-15ax    5.046         <15.2
ASASSN-16fy    4.986         <15.1
Aur AB         4.849           7.0
Aur SS         4.858          14.8
Boo CR         4.981          14.1   active
Boo HW         4.982         <14.6
Boo OV         4.979          14.5   active
Boo TT         4.980         <14.8
Boo UZ         4.983         <15.2
Cam AF         4.843         <14.5
Cam BY         4.858          15.3
Cam BZ         5.003          13.0
Cam FT         4.844         <14.6
Cam HT         4.999         <15.4
Cam V342       4.856         <14.8
Cam V391       4.854          14.7   active
Cam XX         4.850           7.4
Cam Z          5.003          11.6   standstill
CMa Z          4.851           8.3
CMi AQ         4.863         <14.7
CMi SV         4.861          15.0   active
Cnc AK         4.874          14.7   active
Cnc AT         4.867          14.7
Cnc DW         4.872         <14.6
Cnc SY         4.867          12.0   active
Cnc YZ         4.865          12.5   active (brightened slightly)
Com AL         4.978         <14.7
Com GO         4.976         <14.8
Com IR         4.977         <14.3
Com W          4.974         <14.8
CrB CY         4.992         <14.8
CrB R          4.988           7.8
CrB T          4.989           9.9
CrB VW         4.990         <15.1
CVn DE         4.973          13.2
CVn TX         4.972          10.0
Cyg CH         5.115           7.9
Cyg V1329      5.167          13.3
Del HR         5.169          12.3
Del V339       5.168          14.6
Dra AB         4.883          13.9   active
Dra AG         4.888           9.8
Dra DO         5.006         <15.1
Dra DV         5.044         <15.0
Dra V529       5.047         <15.3
FBS1719+834    4.884         <14.7
FBS1735+825    4.885         <14.9
FSVJ1722+2723  5.059         <15.2
Gem IR         4.865         <14.9
Her AH         5.037          12.0   active
Her AM         5.041          15.2
Her AO         5.042         <15.2
Her DQ         5.043          14.5
Her V1008      5.049         <15.4
Her V1108      5.051         <15.1
Her V1117      5.061          12.8
Her V443       5.040          11.5
Her V660       5.049         <14.9
Her V844       5.022          12.7   active
Her V884       5.052          14.5
Her YY         5.039          13.2
Leo HM         4.876         <14.8
Leo IK         4.878         <14.6
Leo IU         4.965          13.5   active
Leo RZ         4.879         <14.7
Leo U          4.967         <14.2
Leo X          4.875         <14.8
LMi AC         5.021         <14.9
LMi RU         4.994         <15.3
LMi RZ         4.993          14.9   active
LMi SS         5.017         <14.7
LMi SX         5.019         <15.0
Lyn SU         4.851           8.6
Lyr AY         5.151         <15.3
Lyr LL         5.152         <15.0
Lyr MV         5.147          12.6
Lyr V344       5.150         <14.8
Lyr V562       5.147          12.1
Lyr V742       5.148          12.2
Mark 421       5.015          13.4
Mon V651       4.863          11.1
NSV 4838       5.008         <15.3
OJ287          4.871          14.4
Oph RS         5.146          11.4
Per DY         4.840          14.5
Per FO         4.846         <14.4
Per GK         4.847          13.2
Per QY         4.848         <14.7
Per TZ         4.841          13.5   active
Per UV         4.842         <14.5
Per UW         4.842         <14.5
Per X          4.849           6.4
S50716+71      5.002          13.7
SDSS 1504+0847 4.985         <15.0
Ser LX         5.058          15.2
Ser NY         5.053         <14.7
Ser QW         5.056         <15.1
Ser QZ         5.055         <15.0
Sge SV         5.167          10.6
Tau RR         4.856          13.5
UMa BC         5.015         <15.4
UMa BZ         5.001         <15.3
UMa CH         5.006          14.9
UMa CI         5.005         <15.3
UMa CY         5.008         <14.7
UMa DI         4.997         <14.7
UMa DV         5.018         <14.7
UMa ER         4.996          12.7   active
UMa IY         5.013         <14.7
UMa KS         5.010         <14.9
UMa KV         5.011         <14.9
UMa MR         5.013         <15.3
UMa SU         4.999          15.0
UMa SW         4.997         <14.6
UMa V355       4.988         <15.0
UMi SS         4.888         <14.6
UMi Z          4.882          11.2
Vir HV         4.968         <14.8
Vir OU         4.972         <14.7
Vir QZ         4.881         <14.8

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