[vsnet-obs 84946] CCD Obs Jly 9/10

Gary Poyner garypoyner at gmail.com
Mon Jul 10 18:40:10 JST 2017

CCD Observations for July 9/10 2017
Gary Poyner
E-mail garypoyner at gmail.com

Open University COAST telescope - 35cm SCT

STAR             UT             MAG
And V455       10.108          16.35V
Aqr QT         10.107         <16.60CV
Aqr VY         10.098          17.08CV
ASAS-RCB-10    10.026          11.50V
ASASSN-13ae    9.944          <16.70CV
ASASSN-14cl    10.134          18.05CV
ASASSN-14jv    9.989          <17.60CV
ASASSN-15ax    9.947          <16.10CV
Boo CR         9.999           14.20V   active
Cas V630       10.115          16.64V
CrB CY         10.131         <17.20CV
CSS 130905:210016-024258 10.113  <17.20CV
Dra DV         9.926          18.64CV
Dra MN         9.995          17.07CV
Dra V529       9.991         <15.30CV
Her AO         9.900          14.64V
Her NY         9.942         <18.30CV
Her PR         9.951         <18.40CV
Lyr V358       9.990         <17.50CV
Oph V532       9.896          11.66V
PNV J2158+2419 10.126        <18.30CV
SDSS 1729+0054 9.890         <16.90CV
SN 2017eaw     9.994          13.15CV   active
TCP J1815+35   10.009         16.28CV
TCP J2010+13   10.157         15.95CV   rebrightening

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