[vsnet-obs 85058] CCD Obs Jly 23/24

Gary Poyner garypoyner at gmail.com
Mon Jul 24 21:58:49 JST 2017

CCD Observations for July 23/24 2017
Gary Poyner
E-mail garypoyner at gmail.com

Open University COAST telescope - 35cm SCT

STAR             UT             MAG
And V455       24.025          16.38V
Aqr QT         24.204         <17.90CV
Aqr VY         24.174          17.54CV
ASASSN-14jv    24.020         <17.90CV
ASASSN-15po    24.134         <16.20CV
Boo OV         23.969          17.54CV
Cas V630       23.967          16.58V
CrB CY         23.889          19.12CV
CSS 130905:210016-024258 23.963 <17.20CV
DDE 48         24.013          16.80CV   Active
Dra DV         24.010          19.39CV
Dra MN         24.063         <16.70CV
Dra V529       24.038         <15.30CV
Her AO         23.943          14.79V
Her PR         23.942         <18.40CV
Her V884       23.911          13.86V
Lyr V358       24.021         <17.50CV
Master OT J204627.96+242218.0 24.013  15.35CCV  Active
Per DY         24.111          12.63V
Sct FH         23.887          14.63V
SN 2017eaw     24.060          13.19CV
TCP J1815+35   23.932          16.18CV

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