[vsnet-obs 85124] CCD Obs Aug 1/2

Gary Poyner garypoyner at gmail.com
Wed Aug 2 18:44:28 JST 2017

CCD Observations for August 01/02 2017
Gary Poyner
E-mail garypoyner at gmail.com

Open University COAST telescope - 35cm SCT

STAR             UT             MAG
And V455       2.194          16.24V
Aqr QT         2.180         <17.90CV
Aqr VY         2.167          17.28CV
ASAS-RCB-10    1.909          11.44V
ASASSN-14cl    2.224          18.50CV
ASASSN-15po    2.126         <16.20CV
AT 2016gkj     1.893         <17.20CV
Cas V630       2.208          16.40V
CrB CY         2.074          19.49CV
CSS 130905:210016-024258 2.189  <18.00CV
DDE 20         1.885          16.46CV   active
DDE 21         1.885         <16.10CV
Dra MN         1.899          16.53CV   Outburst
Mis V1448      1.894          17.08CV
Per DY         2.101          12.66V
PNV J2158+2419 2.219         <18.30CV
Sct FH         2.060          15.25V
SN 2017eaw     1.895          13.25CV
TCP J2010+13   2.206          17.73CV

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