[vsnet-obs 85659] VS Obs Oct 5/6

Gary Poyner garypoyner at gmail.com
Sat Oct 7 19:40:33 JST 2017

Visual observations for October 5/6 2017
Gary Poyner
E-mail garypoyner at gmail.com
Instrument: 50cm, 25cm, 22cm, 10x50B & 16x70B
(Supported in part by the British Astronomical Association)

Bright Moonlight with some high cloud.

Star             UT           Mag
3C 382         5.901          14.7
3C 66A         5.953          15.0
And AR         5.960         <14.7
And DX         5.947          15.1
And EG         5.802           7.5
And FN         5.959         <14.6
And FO         5.958         <14.5
And LX         5.962         <14.9
And PQ         5.951         <14.5
And RX         5.966          11.9   active
And Z          5.946          10.3
ASASSN-17hx    5.799           9.8   active
Cam BZ         6.022          12.8
Cam Z          6.028          11.4   standstill
Cas AM         5.945          14.6
Cas GX         5.979         <14.7
Cas HT         5.939         <14.7
Cas KU         5.941         <14.7
Cas UV         5.944          11.0
Cas V635       5.942          14.7
Cep V730       5.944          13.1
CrB R          5.799           6.9
CrB T          5.805           9.5
Cyg CH         5.801           7.6
Cyg chi        5.800           4.7
Cyg CI         5.912          11.3
Cyg SS         5.918          11.8
Cyg V1016      5.913          11.3
Cyg V1057      5.913          13.0
Cyg V1329      5.910          14.0
Cyg V1330      5.910         <14.7
Cyg V482       5.911          11.1
Cyg V503       5.917         <14.6
Cyg V516       5.916         <14.2
Cyg V751       5.915          14.2
Del HR         5.889          12.3
Del V339       5.888          14.8
Dra AB         5.904          13.2   active
Her AM         5.892          15.3
Her V443       5.807          11.6
Her YY         5.806          13.0
Lac BL         5.919          14.1
Lyr AY         5.897         <14.7
Lyr CY         5.899         <14.2
Lyr LL         5.898         <14.3
Lyr MV         5.894          12.6
Lyr V493       5.895         <14.7
Lyr V562       5.893          12.1
NSV 15133      5.940          11.2
Oph RS         5.804          11.2
Peg AG         5.801           8.6
Peg RU         5.921          12.7
Peg V368       5.922         <14.2
Peg V513       5.926         <14.1
Peg V521       5.924         <14.4
Peg V627       5.928         <14.5
Per AX         5.955          10.8
Per DY         6.008          13.0
Per FO         6.013         <14.7
Per GK         6.007          13.0
Per KT         5.956          13.1   active
Per TZ         6.009          13.4   active
Per UV         6.010         <14.5
Per UW         6.011         <14.6
RXJ0131.4+     5.949         <14.6
S50716+71      6.021          13.7
Sge HM         5.883          12.1
Sge RZ         5.890         <14.4
Sge SV         5.882          10.8
Sge V          5.885          11.1
UMi Z          5.903          11.2
Vul PU         5.885          12.7
Vul RZ         5.884          13.7


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