[vsnet-obs 85670] CCD Obs Oct 7/8

Gary Poyner garypoyner at gmail.com
Sun Oct 8 22:13:13 JST 2017

CCD Observations for October 7/8 2017
Gary Poyner
E-mail garypoyner at gmail.com

Open University COAST telescope - 35cm SCT
unless stated otherwise.

STAR             UT             MAG
And LL         8.212         <17.6CV
And PQ         8.147         <17.0CV
Aql KX         7.919         <16.0CV
Aqr FO         7.828          14.48V
Aqr VY         7.960          17.23CV
Ari BB         8.134         <16.1CV
ASASSN-15po    8.147         <16.2CV
Cas V630       7.283          16.49V   aavso-net SRO-50
Cyg V1251      8.124         <16.1CV
Del IO         8.035         <17.2CV
Del V339       8.036          14.56V
Her NY         7.883          18.54CV
NSV 2026       8.145          15.41CV   Outburst
Per PU         8.143         <17.1CV
Per V872       8.138          15.38CV   Outburst
Psc FL         8.136          17.98CV
Sct FH         7.926          12.79V
TCP J2010+13   7.998          17.94CV


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