[vsnet-obs 87865] Emailing: CBAReport2018-08-09 ASASSN-13bs ON 2018-08-10 10 18.txt

Ken Menzies kenmenstar@gmail.com via vsnet-obs vsnet-obs at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sat Aug 11 04:27:40 JST 2018

ASASSN-13bs on August 9, 2018 ; JD 2458340.598 to 2458340.797
Observer: Kenneth Menzies, Tigh Speuran, Framingham, MA
Internet: kenmenstar at gmail.com
Instruments: 0.317-m f/8 Hyperion; STL-6303 SBIG CCD
LesvePhotometry version = V1.2.0.91
Observation site Latitude = 42 20 23
Observation site Longitude = -71 24 39

Obj1  ASASSN-13bs             

Reference star(s)
Star1 AAVSO Label=122         AUID 000-BKK-278

Check star(s)
Star2 AAVSO Label=142         AUID 000-BKK-282
Star3 AAVSO Label=133         AUID 000-BKK-280
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