[vsnet-obs 87970] CCD Obs Aug 19,20 & 21

Gary Poyner garypoyner@gmail.com via vsnet-obs vsnet-obs at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Aug 21 21:03:07 JST 2018

CCD Observations for Aug 19, 20 & 21 2018
Gary Poyner
E-mail garypoyner at gmail.com

Open University COAST telescope - 35cm SCT
unless stated otherwise.

STAR             UT       MAG
And PQ         21.188         <17.00CV
Aql KX         21.051         <16.10CV
Aqr U          20.977         <15.30V
Aqr VY         21.033          16.95CV
ASASSN-15ax    20.983         <16.10CV
ASASSN-15po    21.044         <16.20CV
Boo OV         20.941          18.52CV
Boo UZ         20.852         <16.50CV
CrB CY         20.949          12.42CV   active
Cyg V1251      20.978         <16.10CV
Cyg V1363      20.953          16.39CV
Del V339       20.060          15.25V
Dra DO         20.858          16.86V
Dra DV         19.973         <17.70CV
Dra V529       19.982         <15.30CV
Her NY         20.999         <18.30CV
Her PR         21.022         <18.40CV
Her V884       20.974          16.51V
Lyr HR         20.040          15.50CV
Lyr V358       19.983         <17.50CV
N Sct 2018     20.942          13.19V
Per DY         21.040          12.47V
Sct FH         20.950          12.78V
Sct V612       20.943          12.87V

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