[vsnet-obs 88151] VS Obs Sep 24

Gary Poyner garypoyner@gmail.com via vsnet-obs vsnet-obs at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Sep 26 00:40:47 JST 2018

Visual observations for September 24 2018
Gary Poyner
E-mail garypoyner at gmail.com
50cm, 25cm, 22cm, 10x50B & 16x70B
(Supported in part by the British Astronomical Association)

Poor conditions with Moonlight before high cloud.

Star             UT           Mag
And EG         24.837           7.4
And Z          24.940           9.8
Aql ES         24.843          11.7
ASASSN-18ey    24.842          13.7
Cam BZ         24.990          13.1
Cam Z          24.989          13.3
CrB BT         24.848         <15.2
CrB CY         24.847         <15.1
CrB R          24.834           6.4
CrB T          24.840           9.9
CrB VW         24.845         <15.1
Cyg CH         24.835           7.4
Cyg CI         24.854          11.0
Cyg V1057      24.856          12.9
Cyg V482       24.853          11.0
Her V443       24.852          11.3
Her YY         24.851          13.0
Lyr MV         24.849          12.9
Lyr V742       24.850          12.9
N Sct 2018     24.844          14.3
Oph RS         24.841          10.9
Peg AG         24.836           8.6
Per AX         24.942          12.2
Per DY         24.943          12.3
Per GK         24.945          10.3
S50716+71      24.993          13.0
Sct V612       24.846          13.0
Sge SV         24.844          10.5

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