[vsnet-outburst 10304] OT J144011.0+494734 superhump period

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Jun 4 12:06:16 JST 2009

OT J144011.0+494734 superhump period

   Ian Miller, Maehara-san, Okayama U. of Sci. team and Kyoto team
(observers Kuramoto-san and Ohshima-san) have reported observations
of OT J144011.0+494734 = CSS090530:144011+494734.  The mean superhump
period up to now is 0.06474(6) d.  The period has remained constant
since June 1, while there was a hint of period evolution in earlier
epochs.  Further observations are encouraged to identify the nature
of this period evolution.

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