[vsnet-outburst 10738] Outbursts 7/11/09

Rod Stubbings stubbo at sympac.com.au
Sat Nov 7 23:29:24 JST 2009

Outbursts and selected activity.

CAROQ          091107.546   142  Stu.RASNZ outburst
CAROY          091107.489   118  Stu.RASNZ outburst
CAROY          091107.544   125  Stu.RASNZ
CAROY          091107.585   120  Stu.RASNZ
CHAST          091107.492   138  Stu.RASNZ active
CMAWZ          091107.578   148  Stu.RASNZ active
DORBC          091107.481   135  Stu.RASNZ active
ERIBF          091107.550   140  Stu.RASNZ outburst
HYIWX          091107.440   130  Stu.RASNZ active
INDTT          091107.461   135  Stu.RASNZ active
INDTU          091107.462  <154  Stu.RASNZ
MENTU          091107.500   118  Stu.RASNZ active
NORHP          091107.444   126  Stu.RASNZ active
ORIBI          091107.551   150  Stu.RASNZ outburst
ORICN          091107.553   127  Stu.RASNZ active
ORIV1159       091107.551   138  Stu.RASNZ active
PAVGS          091107.464   152  Stu.RASNZ active
PEGHX          091107.474   134  Stu.RASNZ active
PEGIP          091107.474   140  Stu.RASNZ active
PUPCL          091107.581   143  Stu.RASNZ active
SGRV729        091107.456   153  Stu.RASNZ active
SGRV730        091107.455   150  Stu.RASNZ active
SGRV1089       091107.456   146  Stu.RASNZ outburst

Rod Stubbings,
Tetoora Observatory,
Tetoora Road,
Vic, Australia 

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