[vsnet-outburst 11764] HT Cas: fully grown superhumps!

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Nov 5 09:30:29 JST 2010

HT Cas: fully grown superhumps!

   We have received indeed very impressive light curves from many observers:
Kyoto team (Ohshima-san), Okayama U. of Sci. team, Gianluca Masi and
Yenal Ogmen (only new observations are shown -- more data are expected
to be coming soon).

   The superhumps have now well developed and show full amplitudes of 0.7 mag.
Since the superhumps started to grow, the the object has brightened by
0.2-0.4 mag.  The eclipse was the shallowest when the superhumps rapidly
started the grew, but this might have been an effect of the beat phenomenon.

   The period of superhumps has been more or less stabilized since Nov. 4.1.
and the best period has been 0.07607(3) d, 3.3% longer than the orbital
period.  This period confirms the identification of earlier long period
as that of stage A superhumps.

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