[vsnet-outburst 11928] OT J102842.9-081927 outburst!

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Dec 14 09:47:58 JST 2010

OT J102842.9-081927 outburst!

   CRTS detected this object (= CSS090331:102843-081927) in outburst.
The object underwent a superoutburst in 2009 March-April and was identified
as an ultrashort period (Psh = 0.0381 d), hydrogen-rich object similar
to EI Psc and V485 Cen.
The brightness of the current outburst suggests a superoutburst.

1012130070564103223 2010-12-13T12:24:26 2010-12-13T12:09:52 10 28 42.87 -08 19 26.5 14.82 14.85 14.81 14.79 http://nesssi.cacr.caltech.edu/catalina/20101213/1012130070564103223.html

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