[vsnet-outburst 12015] Re: [vsnet-alert 12559] SDSS J114628.80+675907.7 outburst

Enrique de Miguel Agustino demiguel at uhu.es
Wed Jan 5 17:18:25 JST 2011

This suspected SU UMa object is in superoutburst (as of January 4/5),
after brightening 0.23 mags (on average) since yesterday. It shows  
fully developed
superhumps (full amplitude 0.4 mags), with mean Vmag = 15.23(12), and
maximum brightness V_max ~ 15.00. Data consistent with P_sh =  
0.0615(8) d,
which is smaller than the reported P_orb ~ 0.067 d , Szkody et al.
AJ 126 1499 (2003).

Enrique de Miguel
CBA Spain

On 4 Jan 2011, at 02:11, Taichi Kato wrote:

>   According to baavss-alert message, Jeremy Shears has detected
> an outburst of a suspected SU UMa-type dwarf nova SDSS  
> J114628.80+675907.7.
> SDSS J114628.80+675907.7  Jan 3.852  15.8C (rare outburst)
> http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003AJ....126.1499S (Porb=1.6 hr),
> no major outbursts had been recorded.  typical spectrum of low-Mdot DN

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