[vsnet-outburst 12094] OT J043112.5-031452: superhump period and eclipses

Ohshima ohshima at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Jan 17 20:25:37 JST 2011

OT J043112.5-031452: superhump period and eclipses

 We have received new observations from William L. Stein,
Gianluca Masi, and Kiyota-san. ~0.3 mag superhumps and
~0.3 mag eclipses have been detected.

 William L. Stein's data obtained on 15th covered the 
superhump-eclipse conjuction. At that time, the eclipse 
became shallower (~0.15 mag) and the amplitude of superhumps
became smaller (~0.15 mag). This seems to be the beat phenomenon.

 Using these data, 0.06745(4) d  is yielded as the superhump
period. Meanwhile 0.06624(13) d is yielded as the eclipse
period. These value lead to the superhump derivative of
1.8 %. Unlike what I wrote in the previous mail, this value
seems to be typical one for the period of this object. Thus
this object is an usual SU UMa type dwarf nova. At any rate,
the number of SU UMa type object showing eclipsing is small.
Continued observations are encouraged.

 The eclipsing empheris;
Min(BJD) = 2455575.266(4) + 0.06624(13) * E

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